Camel Qurbani 2023

Last Updated on May 4, 2023 by Dr. Ali Shahid

Everyone wants to perform Qurbani but people are often unaware of the rules and regulations.

Especially, camel Qurbani is very rare so people are interested in knowing specific guidelines about it.

Generally, camel is an expensive animal but now contributing through shares has eased the problem.

Stay with me till the end to learn more about it.

What is a Camel Qurbani?

Camel Qurbani is defined as sacrificing a camel for the sake of Allah. It is sacrificed during the three days of Eid al-Adha.

The Qurbani is mandatory for those Muslims who can afford to do so. It is often assumed that a camel is an expensive animal. That’s why it is less common than other types of animals.

Nevertheless, in some parts of the world, such as the Arabian Peninsula and North Africa, camel qurbani is a popular and traditional form of Qurbani.

However, there are specific guidelines you need to consider during sacrificing process.

What are the Guidelines for Choosing a Camel for Qurbani?

Let’s check out guidelines to consider when selecting a camel for Qurbani.

Age and Health of the Camel

The age of a camel needs to be at least five years. Also, it should be in good health.

People often prefer older camels. The reason is that they have more meat and their meat is more flavorful.

However, sometimes old camels become weak with time. As a result, it makes the sacrifice process more difficult and causes unnecessary suffering for the animal.

Size and Weight of the Camel

Unlike age, there is no specific guideline related to the size and weight of the camel. Generally, you should check that it should have enough size and weight to provide an appropriate amount of meat for distribution.

Generally, a camel weighing around 450 kg is suitable for Qurbani.


The prices of Qurbani animals often fluctuate in this particular season. Rather, the graph of the price goes upwards.

Be very vigilant and take into account the price of the camel. It should be fair and reasonable, considering market prices and the needs of the community.

Additionally, avoid overpaying for a camel, as this leads to financial hardship for the person performing the Qurbani.

Local Guidelines

Every community has its guidelines regarding Qurbani. Get to know and follow any local guidelines or regulations the community has for Qurbani.

 You may not know it already but some communities have specific requirements or restrictions, such as a limit on the number of camels that can be sacrificed or a preference for locally raised animals.

Shares in Camel Qurbani

Camel Qurbani is performed in two ways; individually or in a group.

The common scenario is that people buy shares in a camel for Qurbani. In this way, multiple people share the cost of the animal and the sacrifice.

It has become a common practice now to buy shares in a camel for Qurbani. Especially people who belong to the lower strata of the society. Those cannot afford to buy a whole camel on their own.

So, in this way, they don’t get burdened and share the price.

However, the price of the shares depends on the cost of the camel. Also, the number of shares available for purchase.

It is made sure that each shareholder is entitled to a portion of the meat from the sacrifice. Equality is kept in mind while dividing the portions.

But yes, there are certain other factors involved that affect the price of the camel. For instance, the location and the organizer.

It has been generally observed that some organizers require pre-registration and payment in advance, while others may allow for on-site registration and payment.

As a result, always do proper research and find a reputable organizer. Pooling is another innovative idea. You may avail of pooling resources with friends and family to buy a whole camel for Qurbani, which is more cost-effective.

Rules/Tips for camel qurbani


Intention is the most important factor. It plays a significant role in the process of Qurbani.

The process of Qurbani begins with the intention. The person performing the Qurbani should have a clear intention.

The intention should be based on the offer of the sacrifice as an act of worship and obedience to Allah. This intention should be made before the sacrifice is performed.


The first three days of Eid al-Adha are destined to perform the act of Qurbani. The sacrifice is often performed after the Eid prayer and before the end of the 12th day of Dhul-Hijjah.


The camel should be slaughtered in the name of Allah. The person performing the sacrifice should call takbir (“Allahu Akbar”) loudly so that everyone can hear.

Distribution of Meat

The rule of thumb about meat distribution is to divide it into three parts: one for the person performing the qurbani, one for family and friends, and one for the poor and needy.

Ethics and Humane Treatment

Treat your camel with respect and kindness throughout the Qurbani process. It should be well-fed and cared for before the sacrifice.

It is recommended not to waste any part of the animal, as this goes against the spirit of Qurbani.

Role Of Veterinarian In Qurbani

Veterinarians play an important role in Qurbani, the Islamic ritual of sacrificing an animal. During this religious event, it is essential that the animals are healthy and free from disease, and veterinarians are tasked with ensuring that this is the case.

They inspect each animal before it is sacrificed to ensure that it meets the standards set by religious law and regulations.

Veterinarians provide vital services to those participating in Qurbani by making sure that each animal meets all necessary requirements.

This includes conducting physical examinations to identify any signs of illness or injury, as well as testing for diseases such as tuberculosis or brucellosis.

Additionally, they assess parameters like age, weight and size to determine if the animal qualifies for sacrifice according to religious regulations. Through their work, veterinarians help protect both humans and animals alike during Qurbani events.

The role of a veterinarian in this process is important to ensure that the animal being sacrificed is healthy and fit for slaughter. Veterinarians are responsible for examining each animal before it can be accepted for Qurbani.

They must also ensure that all necessary safety precautions are taken during the procedure, such as ensuring that sharp knives are used and that animals do not suffer unnecessarily during the slaughtering process. By doing so, veterinarians help to uphold the sanctity and religious significance of Qurbani while protecting animals from harm or injury.

The Veterinary Inspection Process

A veterinarian plays a key role in the qurbani process. They are responsible for reviewing and inspecting the animals to ensure that they are healthy and fit for slaughter.

The veterinarian must evaluate the animal’s physical condition, such asits general health, weight, size and coat condition. Additionally, they will look for any signs of illness or defects that would render the animal unfit to be slaughtered.

The veterinarian must also check the animal’s internal organs to ensure that it is free from disease or infection. After inspecting the animal, they must then issue a certificate declaring that it is healthy and fit for slaughter.

The inspection process is an important part of ensuring that qurbani is performed in accordance with Islamic law and guidelines. It helps to protect animals from unnecessary suffering while providing assurance that only healthy animals are being used in the sacrifice. Ultimately, a successful qurbani relies on having experienced and knowledgeable veterinarians who can carry out these inspections professionally and accurately.

The Role Of Veterinary Medicine In Qurbani

Veterinarians play an essential role in the process of qurbani. They are responsible for assessing the health and wellbeing of animals offered for sacrifice, which is critical to ensure that only healthy animals are used.

Veterinarians also administer any necessary medical treatments to animals that may be suffering from injuries or illnesses. This helps to reduce unnecessary pain and suffering and ensures a humane experience for the animal.

Veterinary medicine plays a vital role in qurbani by ensuring animal welfare and providing humane treatment of animals prior to sacrifice.

By doing so, veterinarians help ensure that qurbani is carried out in accordance with Islamic teachings, which emphasize respect and kindness towards all living creatures. As such, veterinarians have an important responsibility to ensure that qurbani is carried out in a manner that reflects these values.

Benefits Of Veterinary Involvement

The role of a veterinarian in qurbani is essential for ensuring the humane treatment of animals and that regulations are met.

A veterinarian can monitor the health and wellbeing of all animals used for qurbani, including providing vaccinations and administering necessary treatments to ensure their safety. Veterinarians also provide guidance on proper slaughtering processes and practices, which are important to ensure that animal pain is minimized as much as possible.

The involvement of veterinarians also helps to ensure that animal products meet food safety standards. This is essential for ensuring public health, as many people consume these products during Eid al-Adha celebrations.

Additionally, the presence of veterinarians is particularly important at large-scale qurbani events where thousands of animals may be slaughtered simultaneously. By monitoring these events carefully, veterinarians can help protect against unsanitary practices or potential abuse of animals.

Ensuring Animal Welfare During Qurbani

The benefits of veterinary involvement in qurbani are clear and indisputable. As experts in animal health, veterinarians can provide invaluable guidance on how to ensure animals are treated humanely and with respect throughout the process. It is essential that animals be treated properly from the moment of purchase to their ritual sacrifice.

Veterinarians can help ensure that all animals used for qurbani meet established standards of health and well-being, such as making sure they are free from disease or debilitating injuries. Additionally, they can play an important role by providing guidance on proper handling techniques during transport, slaughtering procedures, and other related aspects.

Veterinarians have a unique understanding of animal behavior that allows them to recognize signs of distress and take appropriate action to minimize any suffering.

By involving veterinary professionals in qurbani, we can help ensure that these sacred rituals are conducted in a manner respectful of both religious tradition and basic animal welfare principles.

Final Thoughts

Thus, be very cautious while purchasing a camel. Even later on, when you perform the sacrifice, make sure it’s according to the principles of Islam. 

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